Sunday, January 4, 2015


The source of entertainment in Indian villages are many types.The people live in Indian villages they entertain to each other the people come to chopal at evening all children, young man, and old person are collect there and perform there opinion they present to their self this method is earliest method of Indian villages to entertain their nearest.

Modes of entertainment in Indian villages .

Music-    Music in the very good and popular mode of entertainment in Indian villages, villages people enjoy to their music in fact most people live in the Indian villages either glued to the radio to listening music in the some places in Indian villages classical musics are very popular some places people perform Aarti and Jagran. If you will see them then you will definitely like that.Folk songs are very popular in some places  in Indian villages,on the some places you will find Lok geet in the indian villages which is the soul of Indian villages.

Dance- You will find in Indian villages many types of dance steps . Different dance forms are depending upon the area the Indian villages people live in Orissa they have the Odissi dance and in Taminadu ,Bharat Natyam is very popular. In Andhra Pradesh , Kuchipudi is very popular and in Kerala you have the Kathakali.In the north India ,Kathak is very popular .folk dance of Rajasthan and Gujrat are much sought after.Facial expressions and hand movement of these dancers convey a lot of feeling and thought . The dresses of these dancers are exquisite . An evening out ,watching an enthralling performance is what Indians looks forward to.

Art Exhibitions- The art exhibition of  Indian villages is very nice ,you will find in the many types of painting in Indian villages who looks very beautiful the villagers make it by hand work there works are very slow but they have to expend the lot of time to prepare that .After complete their painting they send it the cities's art gallery where there they find the actual cost of their works.It is a big source of entertainment in the Indian villages.

Radio- this is very popular medium of Indian villages, villagers use it to listen news.moves songs and many types of information related to Agriculture many Indian villages people are go their farm with the radio this is so much popular medium in the Indian villages.

Television- In the modern time television is a popular and entertainer item in the Indian villages life in India the ratio of television is very slow today many people who live in Indian villages they do not have television, to get the enjoy of television they have  to go in their neighbor's  homes who has  television.

Sports- Sports are very big source of entertainment in Indian village life the people live in the Indian villages they play many types of game like Hopscotch, Tug ware, Long jump, High jump in the modern time Cricket is very popular game for the people live in Indian villages there are everybody are very interested in this game due to some good activates Indian villages life is going on way of development the development of  India is not possible  without  Indian villages development. 


The opportunities we can find in the Indian villages are given below-:

Farming---------------- Farming system is the oldest strategy of India, the farming system that significantly contribute to the domestic GDP of India are subsistence farming, organic farming ,and industrial farming . Regions throughout India differ in types of farming they use some are based on horticulture,lay farming , agroforestry and many more things. Due to India's geographical location, certain parts experience different climates, thus affecting each region's agricultural productivity differently. India is very dependent on its monsoon-based per for large India agriculture has an extensive background which goes back to at least ten thousand years. currently the country holds the first position in the world.

Each region in India has a specific soil and climate that is only suitable for certain types of farming. Many regions on the western side of India experience less than 50 cm of rain annually. so the farming systems are restricted to cultivate crops that can withstand drought conditions and farmers are usually restricted to to single cropping  Gujrat ,Rajsthan ,South Punjab and northern Maharastra all experience this climate and each region grows such suitable crops like Jowar , Bajra and  Peas .
On the country , the eastern side of India has an average of 100-200 cm of rainfall annually without irrigation so these regions have the ability to double crop. West Coast , West Bengal , parts of Bihar , U.P.  and Assam are all associated with this climate and they grow crops.such as rice, sugarcane ,jute and many more.

Dairy farming - From 2001 India is world leader in the milk production with a production volume of 85 million tons.India has about three times as many dairy animals as the USA, which produces around 74 million tons. Dairy Farming is generally a type of subsistence farming system in India ,specially  in Haryana , the major producer of milk in the country more then 41% of Indian farming households are engaged in the milk production because it is a livestock enterprises in which they can engage with relatives ease to improve their livelihoods . Regular milk sales allow them  to move from subsistence to earning a market-based income . The structure of the livestock industry is globally changing and putting poorer livestock producers in danger because they will be crowded out and left behind. More than 41 million households in India are at least partially dependent on milk production,and on rural poverty levels. Haryana was chosen to assess possible development in the Indian dairy farming and to broadly identify areas of intervention that favor small-scale dairy production. A methodology developed by the International Farm Comparison Network examined impacts of change on milk prices, farm management  and other market factors that affect the small-scale milk production systems, the whole farm related household income

Fish farming- 


Pole try farm-

Pet farming-

Government Planing-


The resources we can find in the Indian villages are given below.


Big space for industrialization-

 Availability  of raw Material for industries-  Every industries need to row material for their production,Industrialists have to go in the villages to full fill their needs because there is the lot of quantity of raw materials

Man power on low cost-



The people live in Indian villages they are mostly depend on the agriculture, they live in the natural surrounding,they are generally cut off from the cities and have a different kind of lifestyle. the people live in the Indian villages they are socially bounded together. they always share their joy and sorrows to each other they help each other in the time of need and they all combine as a single unit in time of troubles an obstacles their social sense is so strong that the of one is considered as the guest of all. In a town or city no one do not care to anybody. But each villager is familiar even with the family histories of the other villagers.Every evening they proceed together in the village's chopal with sweets, foods and many kinds of fruits and talking goes on till late night.

The culture of Indian villages is very beautiful  they celebrate their festivals together most


Transportation System

The transportation system of Indian was not so good, the earliest Indian villages transport had been Bullock cart and Horse carriages. In now days Indian villages transport system is not too god because
the road of  Indian villages is full from dust so far. If you are going in the Indian villages area then you can not reach on the every place of  Indian villages many place in Indian villages where there you can not ride any vehicle because the road of that area has destroy, most of the people living in Indian villages they don't have  Bike or Car so they have to go one to other places by bicycle or by walk.

During the British area the horse  carriages evolved and eventually came to be widely used as transport in the Indian villages. It means of transport are prevalent till date. However, the modern from horse carriages in the Indian villages is referred as Tonga and buggies in many places other than villages ,the Tonga are still used and are popular tourist attractions across India.

Education System

Majority of India still lives in the villages and  so the topic of villages education is of most important.
The people lives in Indian villages, they don't have good school or collages they need on every time of a good education system. Due to lack of good school and good collages villages people do not so educated so far,quality and access to education is the major concern in the Indian villages schools as there are fewer committed teachers,lack of power text book and learning material in the school.

 Most of the people live in Indian villages  know the importance of education but the people live in the Indian villages they don't have more money for their children"s good education because in the Indian villages have no industrialization there is no good jobs opportunity so Indian villages people have to admit their children's in the lower class school, if the quality along with number of good school and good teachers can be improve the Indian villages education system then Indian villages students can fulfill their dream to doing something great.

Some government school in Indian villages area are overly packed with the student, leading to a distorted teacher-student ratio.In one such majhwara village in Uttar Pradesh there was more than 250 students in the class 8th which makes maximum 120 students in each classroom, in such a situation it is impossible for teachers to give the full towards each and every students. Every villages is not provided with school which means that students have to go to another village to get education ,owing to this parents usually do not send their daughter to school,leading to a failure in achieving Indian village education

In Indian villages education government schools are not as good and privet school are expensive.this results in a very low number of student actually clearing their secondary education and taking admission in a collage for further studies. So the drop-out-rate at the secondary level is extremely high in Indian villages. Only parents who can afford collage education send their kids to secondary schools.If parents are not able to send their wards for higher education then all their previous efforts get wasted as completing just secondary education means a low paying job and the person is again struck in the same never ending cycle of money,life and poverty.


Friday, January 2, 2015

Life Style

        Indian villages life are the soul of  India .

Life style of Indian Villages is very simple, the person who live in the Villages they make a good relationship bit been each other most of the people know about them who live near by to them, they are be very helpful in India more than 65 percent people live in the village area
We can say that Indian villages in the soul of India where there live a original India.

Most of the people who live in the villages they are mostly farmer. They cultivate their farms situated in the neighbored of the villages.They go to their fields early in the morning where they work till evening, they work very hard they depend on the seasons.Spinning and weaving in one of the most important cottage industries of a village.It helps to increase their major income.Beside this, some people keep shops and provided the necessities of life of the people live in villages. Other works as potters, carpenters.

The people who lives in India they are be shortly busy and shortly free they entertain to each other with many types of song, dance,game who are popular in the villages. most of the people who live in Indian villages they live healthy and peaceful life, the people live in the villages are socially knit together. their life is so co-operate and interdependent.They depend on each other for supply of their needs.They share there own joys and sorrows to each other.

The  people live in Indian villages their houses are mostly Eco-friendly in nature, made by bamboos and mud. The People live in Indian villages their houses are mostly built of bamboo with thatched roofs.the wall and floor of the village houses are painted by a mixture of grass and cow shit. Before and after rain, these house need a maintenance every time.

The people live in the Indian villages their educational system is not too good. they need to make more better their education system. The people live in Indian villages they are facing many problem in now days because they have not good school for their children,there are no good water supply system, mostly people do not have in door toilet they have to go out side for this. There is the main resource of water are River ,Well ,Hand pumps,Canal, Water fall etc. The outfit of the people live in Indian villages are very sweet and simple.They do not have big dream for large house, lot of money etc whatever they got is enough to live their life happily

Indian villages have a lot of  resource for Industries, there is a very big quantity of row material which is the base of any industry but because of non utilization most of the part of it are waste every time it can be useful if  Indian government take of it government should focus on the Indian villages they should provide good electricity system in the Indian villages they should provide the good transportation system Indian villages.